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this Blog is just showing the newest Luxury Cars of 2011~2012. Shows the pictures, interiors, and tell what is the basic charactiristics of the featured car .

Saturday 11 June 2011

Peugeot Moovie

Portuguese designer André Costa won the Peugeot Design Competition with the ‘Moovie’, an extremely agile electric car that looks about as futuristic as any vehicle design we’ve ever seen. A scale 1 concept version of the Moovie was built for the Frankfurt Motor Show and though it’s non-operational, it’s an impressive look into what we might be driving in the decades to come.

1 comment:

  1. This car is insane! It is as futuristic as it gets. It looks like a car capsule. The car is so hot, I think it would fly.

    Erwin Calverley
